Platform screen Doors (PSD)


Door Types

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, platform screen doors are full height, total barriers between the station floor and ceiling.

  • Prevent accidental falls off the platform onto the lower track area, suicide attempts and homicides by pushing

  • Prevent or reduce wind felt by the passengers caused by the piston effect which could in some circumstances make people fall over

  • Reduce the risk of accidents, especially from service trains passing through the station at high speeds.

  • Improve climate control within the station (heating,ventilation, and air conditioning are more effective when the station is physically isolated from the tunnel).

  • Improve security — access to the tracks and tunnels is restricted.

  • Lower costs — eliminate the need for motormen or conductors when used in conjunction with Automatic Train Operation, thereby reducing manpower costs.

  • Prevent litter build up on the track, which can be a fire risk.

  • Improve the sound quality of platform announcements, as background noise from the tunnels and trains that are entering or exiting is reduced.

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